Alpego S.P.A.

The Italian family business Alpego produces a full range of agricultural equipment, like power arrows, combination drills and rotary cultivators. With 2 European branches and numerous importers and dealers, Alpego’s machines are delivered and used all over the world.


Alpego is constantly searching for new tools that can increase customer satisfaction.
Halifax is a solution that exactly matches their needs, because with this system Alpego is capable to turn negative experiences into positive ones. By reducing their customers’ downtime as much as possible with the fastest response time and most transparent communication, Alpego is aiming for service excellence.

Alpego has already started to rollout Halifax to several dealers and is very confident about the positive feedback they receive so far.

More Clients

Leading manufacturer of welding equipment choose Halifax as their new warranty portal

Lorch Schweißtechnik is a global brand and German manufacturer of welding equipment. Producing innovative solutions, Lorch recently introduced new robot technology for automated welding as a first step toward Industry 4.0.


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